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Quote of the Day

Were it not for the shepherds, there would have been no reception. And were it not for a group of stargazers, there would have been no gifts.
-TiMax Lucado, 'God Came Near'-

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Meet the Story-Teller Fairy

Red ocean
Monday, July 20, 2009

In a big blue ocean
where the dreams are swimming
he's been yearning to dive
yet to him feels like thieving

so instead he lies hidden
in the red sea's red bed
cause he feels there assured
that the time has no end

and his sight becomes thinner
there is nothing to see
in the deepest of depths
of this red, bloody sea

I who love him am scared
that the day is to come
when the boat he awaits
will show up and pass by

posted by Ladybird @ 1:08 PM  
  • At July 21, 2009 at 11:50:00 AM PDT, Blogger Eastcoastdweller said…

    Very enigmatic.

    Is this to be understood literally or is this red sea symbolic of something else -- a thing to be crossed perhaps?

  • At July 22, 2009 at 3:27:00 AM PDT, Blogger Ladybird said…

    Well, to be frank, Blue Ocean Strategy is a business strategy book written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne of INSEAD, an international business school, that promotes creating new market space or "Blue Ocean" rather than competing in an existing industry ("Red ocean") where everybody struggles, so that's where the red (bloody) comes from. So I got inspired by the corporate world in order to express my fear that most of us feel too guilty to follow our dreams and we do just what everybody does because it seems the right and normal thing to do, life passes by and after a while we don't even think about it anymore. We become blind and we lose track of time. Our living time is not inexhaustible and we should do everything to enjoy it and to express ourselves, not follow a routine and then just die. That's the hidden message. (Now you wish you hadn't asked!!! LOL!)
    It's always a pleasure to have your comments, you know.

  • At October 18, 2011 at 4:02:00 PM PDT, Anonymous said…

    hello,is very interesting!

  • At March 27, 2014 at 4:34:00 PM PDT, Anonymous croc said…

    Very nice!! Also I have always been a fun of hearing the creator's explanation about his creation and I have to admitt that you have made a brilliant piece of art! The real question is how many of us thinking such a way does "not follow a routine and then just die". You yourself after 5 years than you publiced your lovely poem, do you share yourself the same thoughts?

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